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Masters Of Anatomy: Female Action Poses
You demanded it and we have delivered - a book dedicated entirely to female anatomy! Thanks to our loyal fans our books have been a global sensation - grossing more than 1 million dollars on Kickstarter alone!
This time around we commissioned 2000 brand new images, in our 4th major volume. Over 300 pages of incredible, dynamic action poses. Unlike the images you'll find in comic books, none of our drawings are covered by clothing, cut off by panels or obscured by other objects. It is the most massive, comprehensive female action & anatomy book in history!!!

Female Action Poses - No Boys Allowed!
300 pages of brand-new, dynamic female action poses! Over 1600 rough images and 400 finals will make this book the most complete study of dynamic female action poses ever!
The book will be divided into 5 sections:
HEROIC POSES - 70% of the book! Heroic poses that strike fear into the hearts of enemies!
SITTING/CROUCHING POSES - If you have trouble drawing foreshortened legs and over-lapping limbs this section is for you!
FLYING/JUMPING POSES - almost every conceivable flying pose/angle you could ever want to draw.
DYNAMIC STANDING - Poses that express action, attitude, swagger and emotion.
CONTORTION - a small section dedicated to the study of the female body's maximum range of motion. This section will help you learn just how far the human body can realistically bend and twist before it breaks!
Ready To Use Roughs!
Over 1600 rough images that have been designed from the ground up to be used as a foundation for final images. There are no "awkward" or "useless" rough poses - every rough you see in the book will be good enough to build into an awesome final image!